Introducing the New AI Phoenix MugMatch

Facial recognition is finally right in the palm of your hand!

Phoenix MugMatch AI facial recognition system, allows you to upload a mugshot and trace it to any person of likeness stored in the db. With a click of a button, upload your image to the system and AI will do the rest. Information on all matches will be presented.

  • Simply take a picture in real time on your mobile device or use an existing picture from body camera or security camera footage.
  • Automatically identify someone simply by uploading their picture to the Phoenix database that can store countless mugshots across your agency.
  • Gain the ability to access the global database that houses all pictures across every agency that runs on Phoenix.
  • Phoenix AI Mugmatch will display the top 10 match results.

Additional Features:

  • Set matching accuracy to broaden or narrow search scope
  • If a match belongs to a different juris, the contact info for that juris will be displayed
  • Impressive matching algorithm can find identify the same person at different ages
  • Parameters such as no Juveniles for more specific search results
  • Limit the search to only your internal or participating databases


AI MugMatch video can be found in CRM.
Click on How-to-Videos in the upper left hand portion of the screen and you will see AI MugMatch under Police RMS.  This video is also available in RMS, CAD and WDA.

Interested in our all new MugMatch AI System to add to your Phoenix RMS? Contact us at 609-953-6850 and ask to speak to your Regional Sales Representative