Table of Contents

New Features 2024 Release

We are excited to announce the public release of Phoenix 2024.

This release contains new features, enhancements you have requested and changes you have been expecting. 

Click the read more button for a full list of features 

Register now for the 2024 User’s Conference

The 2024 National User’s Conference will again be held in Wisconsin Dells, WI at the Kalahari Resort and Convention Center.  It will be held Monday, September 23rd through Thursday, September 26th with a similar general agenda as this year.  The registration is open and available in CRM.

Visit our conference website for more details:

Final Registration Deadline: August 21st

Early Bird Pricing Deadline: August 15th

Introducing the New Phoenix AI System

With Artificial Intelligence, Phoenix gets even smarter!

Artificial Intelligence enhancement can be found in all Phoenix products.

Introducing Phoenix AI BOT for handling non-emergency admins calls using the BOT and Phoenix AI Transcription/Translation. 

See article for further details or see our Phoenix Bot webpage

Phoenix Software User Department Interviewed in Featured Article

Always happy to see our Phoenix users receiving the public recognition that they deserve!
TMJ-4 in Milwaukee recently visited the communications center in Racine County, WI to get an idea of the daily stress and overwhelming workload that our 911 dispatchers are facing.
Hearing stories such as this is exactly why we have developed our brand new Phoenix Bot AI software. Phoenix Bot alleviates workload stress by utilizing AI to handle non-emergency calls, allowing your dispatchers to do what they do best, which is handling emergency and life threatening situations.

Welcome New Users

We would like to welcome our most recently added users to the ProPhoenix family.

Branson, MO Police Department

Mille Lacs County, MN Sheriffs Department

McLean County, IL Comm Center

To the new users within these agencies – Welcome to the ProPhoenix family!

In addition, we have had several GoLives. See article for full list.

Like and Follow Us on All Major Social Media Platforms

Be sure to like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn:





We provide regular updates on social media about what’s going on at ProPhoenix, including event photos and recaps, business updates, and even shared stories that your agency may find informative.

Upcoming Events

Stay up to date on all events involving ProPhoenix.

Includes events that we will be hosting and attending. Trade Shows, Conferences and other important dates.

ProPhoenix users are always welcome to stop by and say hello at our booth at any industry show that we attend! Tell us what’s on your mind, or stop and chat with our product experts manning the booths. You might pick up a trick or two!